Tag Archives: recycled art

Single Use Plastic

When creating visual art I make sculptural art pieces and wearable objects which are high end, aiming for timeless quality.   My mission is to educate with beauty.  My vision is to make amazing artwork with surprising materials.

Working as an artist I am focused on a high quality end result.

Why Wearable Art?

The aim of prducing wearable art is to reach a wider audience.

By making wearable art I hope to draw attention to the pollution of the seas by exhibiting pollution on the body.

India’s Doodlage Upcycles Textile Waste Into Quirky, One-of-a-Kind Garments

This is a good article with some solid suggestions about how the fashion industry could develop.  It seems obvious to me that factories should have a team dedicated to cutting back on waste!  Kriti Tula has been operating her company ‘Doodlage’ since 2012, so has a couple of years experience and can give intelligent suggestions.

India is a country of contrasts and contradictions, there are millions of people who work full time in plantations or factories who live in substandard accommodation, without hope of ever buying a home. This is unimaginable in Australia.

I too love patchwork.


Source: India’s Doodlage Upcycles Textile Waste Into Quirky, One-of-a-Kind Garments

Untitled (Flat Screens) | The Art Life

After ever recycled art workshop I am left with a pile of plastic computer casing. It is good, hard plastic. It is strong and weather durable. But what do you do with it??? The shapes are odd and random. It is dificult to cut, shape and work with. The edges are grubby from fingers and electrostatically charged dust.

Do I like what this artist has done? Not really!

Source: Untitled (Flat Screens) | The Art Life

South West ArtsAtlas » “WAM – I Love What You’re Wearing!” Wearable Art Market

This looks like a market that is harking back to the original meanings for wearable art – hand made, original, craft garments.   The opportunity is to participate in a market – I need to work on my merchandising!

Wam banner 2



Source: South West ArtsAtlas » “WAM – I Love What You’re Wearing!” Wearable Art Market

First Photos of the “Camping Collection”

I am very excited to be able to post some of the first photos of this year’s ‘Camping Collection’.

Wearable Art made from 100% repurposed materials

Gowns are made from tents.  Hats are made from palm tree flower stalks.

Thank you to Zara Walton for the amazing photos.