Tag Archives: community arts

Large scale community projects


As an artist I am concerned with all wastage endemic in our society.   By sourcing large amounts of used packaging waste to make enormous interactive public instalation sculpture I am demonstrating the amount of materials freely available.  I aim to include as many people as possible in my art installations.

Wearable Art Awards : Central Craft

I am very interested in this, but am having a hard time finding out much more information!  Apparently entries close in September… but I can’t find any forms.


Central Craft is an organisation which supports and promotes artists and craft practitioners working in Alice Springs and surrounding areas of Central Australia. We run workshops and studios, the June Marriott Gallery, and a retail outlet.

Source: Wearable Art Awards : Central Craft

Plastic – Alison McDonald – Environmental Artist

This Artist inspires me!


Source: Plastic – Alison McDonald – Environmental Artist

2010 Tomorrow’s Joy – Plastic Bottle Top Mosaic for Arts Alive « Such Initiative

This project gives me hope for future similar projects here in Cairns.  This Such project aims to change perceptions through eco-conscious public art.

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2010 Tomorrow’s Joy – Plastic Bottle Top Mosaic for Arts Alive « Such Initiative

Source: 2010 Tomorrow’s Joy – Plastic Bottle Top Mosaic for Arts Alive « Such Initiative